Truth be told, I first started blogging back in 2009, when I was in my mid 30-ies. I had created websites before that, with html and coding, and had written a blog for family and friends about my own children, but not done any blogging for the public.

And it’s just for the last couple of years that I’ve gone all in, to try and make a living from blogging and product creations. AND it’s just for the last 16 months it’s been making a profit.

So I’m not an overnight success, I don’t make millions of dollars from blogging, but it puts food on the table – which it didn’t a year back. 

I’ve been a stay at home mom since 2008, mainly due to my kids and their special needs, but also because of own health issues. What I decided to do though, was to turn my struggles into assets, and turn things around. During the years gone by, I’ve tried and failed and tried again, and in this blogpost, I’m going to show you how easy it can really be to set up a blog – TODAY.

No need to wait 10 years, like I did, to look for the bucket of gold at the end of the rainbow. The bucket is available right now.

Will you let me show you?

I’m a work at home mom (WAHM), and I help frustrated mums who’s spreading themselves too thin, find opportunities to relax and breathe, by simplifying and reducing their chunk of daily tasks.


This post is for you if:

  • You want to turn your hobby into cash
  • You want a side hustle
  • You’ve something you want to share with others
  • You’re at stay at home parent
  • You’re looking to reduce working hours
  • You want to spend more time with friends and family – and still be able to pay your bills
  • You know consistency is the key to any success
  • You’re not looking for a quick fix, but something that will eventually provide you with a passive income opportunity
  • You’re a parent or co-parent
  • You’re eager to learn new skills

If you can’t cross out at least one of the statements above, I would suggest you save time, and leave this website right now. After all, time is the most valuable asset you have, so please use it wisely.

How to Start a Blog Today

The investment when starting a blog versus starting a brick and mortar business, is next to nothing.

Starting a blog only requires 3 things:

* Hosting

* Domain

*Internet access

Whether you’re 18 or 88, the internet terms hosting and domain might sound “scary”, but trust me, they’re not at all. And if you’re afraid that blogging is not for you because you’re not an internet nerd, then think again. Everyone that can use a computer, i-pad or phone with apps, can blog. 

Heck, you can even write with pen and paper, and send the things you want to blog about, to a virtual assistant, and he or she can post it on internet for you.

Let me simplify the terms hosting and domain for you.

HOSTING: This is the place on internet that stores your website. Normally a blog is written on WordPress, so the hosting will then be the place on internet storing your WordPress site. There are several hosting options out there, like Bluehost, Siteground, One and others. I’ll come back to that in a few moments.

DOMAIN: This is the address to your website. It’s the address you write in your search bar, like or or the address to your bank.



Where to find good and reliable hosting



It’s essential to have a good hosting, a good home for your blog – because it’s like a house with a door that should be easy to open and welcome any visitors. If your visitors can’t find your door(your hosting is bad and have many down periods), then they will leave and might not ever come back.

As a beginner I recommend either going with Bluehost or with Siteground, they are both very reliable, they have excellent customer service and they have almost the same pricing. The only difference is that Bluehost still offers a free domain, which Siteground also used to. I will show you more in dept about each of them below. And at the end there’s a comparison sheet that makes it easier to make a decision of which one you would like to go for.

Bluehost is easy to set up, it offers 24/7 lifetime support, WordPress hosting and a free domain for 1 year. At the moment they offer hosting starting at $3.95/month (reg. $8.99/month). There are numerous themes to choose from, below there’s a picture of some of the possibilities. And you can always change theme later on, if you want.

Another BIG benefit by choosing Bluehost is that you do not need to decide on your domain name straight away, you can start your blog, write a few blog posts, and then you can choose what feels right for you and your blog.



bluehost themes blog


Or continue to read about Siteground before you make up your mind



siteground blogg

Siteground is easy to set up as well, the support is excellent and I’ve never(since I started using them in 2016) had any down time issues. They are a couple of dollars extra each month ($5.99), but where Bluehost wants you to choose a 36 month plan, Siteground offers a 12 month instead. With Siteground you are free to choose any theme WordPress offers of course.

wordpress theme siteground

Or continue to see the comparison between Siteground and Bluehost before you make up your mind

Still not sure if you can do this?


Do setting up a blog for the first time still scare you after this blogpost?

Then I suggest you sign up for my free video course on how to set up your blog, where I’ll show you exactly what to do and how to do it – and if you’re still not comfortable after watching the video’s, then I offer to set it up for you for free. The fear of tech should NOT and NEVER be the reason for you not to start a blog. If you want to take me up on that free offer, you find all details on how to proceed inside the FREE course after you’ve signed up:

start a blog for free

Ready to create a successful blog, by laying a solid foundation from the very first blogpost? Then this might be a good place to start:

How to Start a Blog Successfully

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